Select Board Meeting – Jun. 24, 2024

Select Board Meeting Agenda
7 PM June 24th, 2024 at Town Hall

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Webinar ID: 874 8427 2694  Passcode: 078032

  • Approval of Minutes from June 10th meeting
  • Approval of Vendor and Payroll warrants
  • Legal Opinion from Town Counsel – Questions and Docs for Joel Bard
  • Highway Dept Matters
  • Mt Washington Broadband Network Matters including insurance claim
  • DCR Forestry activity in Cattle Shed/Karner Brook area
  • Community Forestry Stewardship Plan review & Woodland Grant Closeout
  • Ad Hoc Invasive Management Committee update
  • Board and Committee appointments for July 1 2024 to June 30 2025
  • Citizen Speak Time