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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – March 12, 2018

Signing of Payroll and Vendor Warrants

Highway Matters

Letter to withdraw permit application re DEP culverts – Gail Garrett

Kitchen Renovation

Broadband Matters

Meeting with David Marcoux
Follow up with Community Compact Grant

Cherry Sheets – follow up with Assessors (Vicki Torrico) and Selectboard member (Jim Lovejoy)

Payment in lieu of taxes

Citizen Speak Time

Board of Assessors Meeting – March 13, 2018

Notice: Board of Assessors Meeting
Tuesday March 13, 2018
5:30 pm at the Town Hall
1 mail
2 any other business that comes before the Board of Assessors
respectfully submitted,
Tom Furcht
Board of Assessors

Sarah Beckwith’s Visit with Massachusetts Governor, Charlie Baker

In Sarah’s Words

I went to visit Governor Baker because he mentioned me in the State of the State along with how Mt. Washington has gotten high speed internet which is one of his initiatives. We talked about what it was like before the internet and then now with it. We also talked unrelated topics like college and sports.