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Selectboard Meeting Agenda – April 9, 2018

April 9, 2018
Selectboard Meeting

Sign vendor and payroll warrants

Sign warrants for annual Town Meeting and Town Election

Letter of Intent Household Hazardous Waste – CET

Egremont’s request for Support for TIP project- Rebuilding Mt Washington Rd

School Transportation

Jon Hoskins Highway Equipment Needs

Kitchen Renovation- next Steps

Citizen Speak Time

Mount Washington Planning Board Public Hearing – April 12, 2018

The Mount Washington Planning Board will hold a public hearing pursuant to the provisions of MGL 40A Section 5 on Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 7:00 pm. at Town Hall, 118 East St., Mt. Washington MA to provide interested parties with an opportunity to comment on proposed amendments to the Mt. Washington Zoning Bylaws.  The proposed amendments would prohibit all Marijuana Establishments of any kind and establish a moratorium on all Marijuana Establishments until either a prohibition or regulation is in place, not to exceed one year or such shorter period allowed by law.

Copies of the proposed texts may be inspected in the Town clerk’s office at the Town Hall during Town office hours.  Copies will also be available on the town website.  Any person wishing to be heard on these matters should appear at the time and place designated.

Proposed Marijuana Bylaws

Article    :       Shall the Town of Mount Washington approve the adoption of an Amendment to the Zoning By-laws prohibiting the operation of all Marijuana Establishments as defined in G.L.c. 94G, §1, including without limitation, Retailers, Cultivation, Testing Facilities, Product Manufacturing and all other types of marijuana-related businesses within the Town.

(The Board of Selectmen and Planning Board propose this Article believing that in voting for the Ballot measure in 2016 relative to marijuana the Town would not be giving up its local zoning authority to prohibit such activity; that the vote in Town reflected simply a desire to de-criminalize use and possession of marijuana; and that marijuana can be available where people want it and at appropriate locations, but that Mount Washington is not an appropriate location for such activity.

Article     :      Until new zoning by-laws are adopted or prohibition allowed, but for no longer than one year or such shorter time as proscribed by law, shall the Town adopt a moratorium on all Marijuana      Establishments defined by G.L. c. 94G, §1 to allow the Planning Board to properly analyze said law and adopt appropriate regulations therefor.

Selectboard Meeting Agenda – March 26, 2018

March 26, 2018
Selectboard Meeting

Signing of Vendor and Payroll Warrants

Sign warrant for Special Town Meeting – for marijuana moratorium

Annual Town Meeting and all warrant items including:

Marijuana moratorium and vote reversal
Annual Town meeting warrant election ballot
Enterprise Fund for broadband Town Meeting warrant

Animal Inspector nomination

Kitchen renovation

Change Order with White Mountain Cable and release of hold back

Follow up on culverts

Follow up on broadband matters

Citizen Speak Time

Conservation Commission Meeting – March 26, 2018

The Mount Washington Conservation Commission will review an RFD, submitted by Badger-Gerstel, at a public meeting following the continued public hearing for sallies cradle. Meeting will be held at town hall on March 26, 2018 at 6 pm.