Select Board Meeting

Select Board Meeting Agenda
10 am August 31st 2024 at Town Hall
Or One tap mobile :  +16465588656,,88954555760#,,,,*964688# US (New York)
Webinar ID: 8563004946   Passcode 651926

  • Approval of Minutes from August 19th SB meeting
  • Approval of Vendor and Payroll warrants
  • Discussion and signing September 17th Special Town Meeting warrant for highway employee wage increase
  • Appointment to Mount Washington Historical Commission
  • Support letter for Community Compact Best Practices Grant
  • Broadband matters
  • Highway Dept Matters, including Gang erosion issue
  • Logging issue at DCR Cattle Barn Lot follow-up
  • Ad hoc Invasive management committee
  • Status update on implementation of PermitEyes
  • Town Communications – follow up
  • New business
  • Citizen Speak Time

The event is finished.


Aug 31 2024


10:00 am - 11:00 am


Town Hall/Zoom
Town Hall/Zoom