Select Board Meeting

Select Board Meeting Notice and Agenda
7:00 pm, Monday September 18, 2023 at Town Hall and Zoom

Please click the link below to join the webinar
passcode: 078032 Or telephone: US +1 312 626 6799
or +1 646 558 8656 Webinar ID: 874 8427 2694, passcode 078032


  • Review of Select Board Meeting Procedures
  • Approval of Minutes from the September 5 Meeting
  • Approval and signoff of the Vendor and Payroll Warrants
  • Residential Factor Hearing: Vicky Torrico
  • Building, Electrical, and Plumbing Inspection Matters: Bengt Granskog, etc.
  • Highway Department Matters including Gravel Road Bidding and review of current Foreman’s Performance Appraisal Document
  • Broadband Matters
  • Transfer Station Matters
  • Tax Collection Follow-up
  • Grant Writing Methodology Follow-up
  • Schoolhouse Move Follow-up
  • Open Meeting Complaint Follow-up
  • New Business
  • Citizen Speak Time

The event is finished.


Sep 18 2023


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Town Hall/Zoom
Town Hall/Zoom