Low Cost Door-to-Door Transportation Service for Mount Washington Residents Age 55 and Older
Mount Washington residents 55 and older have access to a low-cost transportation service, which is available Monday through Friday for medical appointments in the Southern Berkshires and Pittsfield. You can also use the service for dropping off and picking up a repaired car or drop off/pick up at grocery store when unable to drive.
Cost is $10 round trip to Great Barrington ($5 one-way) and $20 round trip to Pittsfield ($10 one-way).
The program is in collaboration with the town of Egremont.
To arrange your ride, please call Melanie at the Transportation Department at the Egremont Town Hall, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Melanie’s phone number is 413-528-0182, Ext. 25. Please give 48 hours notice when arranging a ride.
If you have any questions or to share feedback, contact Cory (Hines) at mntcory@aol.com.